Thursday, June 30, 2011

Encompassing Whole

Settle within calmly- breath wise, deep

Kindness felt completely
Sent wide, far, deep

Body begins falling away, parts remain
Breath rises separately, remains rhythmic
Mind slows, places falling away blindly

Breath, body merge becoming whole

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Accepting Into Simplicity

Consumed within mind
Thoughts given free space

Kindness breaks pace- light, just noticed

Release again, watch mind wander places

Breath rises within becoming center
Thoughts falling away into just now

Significance within flat nothingness

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Parts Within Whole

Mind finding carried within
Reality's mix sifted between 

Upon some invisible edge
Parts drift away from whole

Awareness, accepting impermanence
Reunifying balances allowing

Immense unknowable beneath mind

Monday, June 27, 2011

Every Breath Last

Finding places within
Absence searches peacefully
Release, become space- falling away

Kindness sent before disappearing within

Attention settles, each breath becomes last
Instances disappear without loss

Becoming open- each moment exists alone

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Nothing Within Everything

Deeply held beyond central meaning
Elemental bond between within
Nothing collapse every belief
Truest test becomes more than random
Expanded parallel lines bend chaotically
Falling away into doubt
There within beauty blossoms

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Becoming Acceptance

Far distance opening within
Where upon mind divided
Bringing attention closer
Kindness' joy grows more real

Acceptance's border grows wider
Composed within somewhere deep

Carry joy's awareness inside now

Friday, June 24, 2011

Parts Whole

Deeply divided realized within
Without explanation, truly known
Pause falls away many times
Return, find breath, resume center

Everything hinted, everything known
Purpose, illusion, acceptance's plan

Slowing becomes stopping- awareness

Thursday, June 23, 2011

More Complete Now

Begin within obvious
Kindness entered, eye upon then
Firming awareness reveals true feelings

Blind mind uncovered within depth
Doubts, unnameable distortions passed

Emerge into more clear pathway
Balance difficult, acceptance becomes guide

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Distant Now Inside Light

Very, very far away lightness arrives
Everything falls away- complete peace

Knowing depth rises within acceptance
Path collapses slowly into empty present

Kindness begins- sent, received
Real feelings known

Peacefully beauty, calm mind

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Between Many Betweens

Kindness begins firmly, well felt
Opening heart- carrying, sending meta

Pass through space until calmness
Unknowable deep within
Find gap, move between- breath immense
Breath released, opens space
Repeated deeper through many betweens

Monday, June 20, 2011

After Kindness

Remain within mind
Distance understood without concern

Kindness felt softly, with real awareness
Growing through giving
Mind becomes wider, connections grow

Fade away with breath
Return, acceptance smooths everything

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Bond Passing Between

String through complete nature
Invisible connection fades, becomes
Mind numbing distraction
Broad, deep, fully alive
Find commonality, distort, realize
Nothing assured, nothing unknown
Once again depth reveals true nature

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Close Invisibly

Kindness transparent through levels

Somewhere distant within mind
Unknown places cycle within

Dropping softly within intention
Fall away quickly unobserved

Returning many times, each noticed
Purposelessness, purposeful within 

Friday, June 17, 2011

Spacious Like Rain

True mind flows together
Perpetually existing, seldom understood
Knowing force binds awareness

Kindness true, easy, complete
Passing within, feeling all creations

Space between rain droplets
Infinitely free, wide, complete

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Moving Beyond

Within space become nameless
Allow everything, fall away

Return many times
Center firms, relaxes
Kindness full, somewhere real

Mind becomes one

Knowing boundary, limits fall below

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Carry Calm Breaths Carry

Kindness arrives open hearted
Remaining within mindful space
Feelings sent, received
Expanding compassion deeply held

Simple breath centered, held
Burden released, transition invisible
Pause, realize- larger significance

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Infinite Breath

Both sides open space
Comforting awareness expands
Beyond measure, everything falls away

Kindness sent- complete, heart felt
Deeply aware- well, joy, without suffering

Doubts cease, intentions fall away
Guiding mind watches, self disappears

Monday, June 13, 2011

Finding Now

Greater perceptive rises within
Clarity's doubts push, pull
Nothing permanent, accepting drift
Return, center, find peace

Now's awareness invisible, unfelt
Watched unknown, doubts delude
Glimpses create knowing breath

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Breathing Into Calm Fatigue

Intentions center upon simplicity
Mind become clear monetarily
Thoughts, feelings, sensations swirl

Calm arrives, breath renews place

Spirals form
Long slowly fades into short
Nodding, intention alternate peacefully

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Fully Now

Even mind slows calmly
Placed within frame, given flex
Without barriers- fully embraced
Even drifting becomes now

Kindness felt three ways fully

Crossed edges expand now
Powerful watching- feather light

Friday, June 10, 2011

Emerging Clarity

Stopped mind opens wider
Fall away, drift within allowance

Acceptance's pause becomes unbroken
Mind widens, clarity emerges

Observing state- circular awareness
Flow together

Kindness sent- depth consumes, reveals

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Transparent Levels

Entering mind- within invisible sliding levels
Following, distracting, led away

Calm becomes allowing
Kindness slides within noticeable levels

Passing within doubts, swirling yet not
Levels begin orderly procession

Awareness- movement, separation cease

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Digging Out Spaces

Apparent simplicity becomes intention
Mind falls away becoming deeper level

Kindness sent, deeper opening
Space becomes calm, real, open

Cycles progress- deeper, clearer
Breath becomes digging- fill then empty

Clutter appears, pauses- removed

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Breath's Rhythm Becomes Core's Rhythm

Placed within everything
Kindness becomes deep, more complete
Rhythm emerges unobserved

Passing through many stages
Developing more firmly

Cycles develop within multiple levels
Harmony weaves unifying all rhythms

Monday, June 6, 2011

Roaring Silence

Very, very far away
Beyond mind, nearly invisible
Complete silence roars almost unobserved
Emptiness wavers upon some line
Mind disappears, reappears within breath

Slowing mind remains clear, calm
Kindness rolled within joy sent

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Within Nearly Emptiness

Somewhere distant, starting within breath
Fold mind along calm edge

Kindness flowing wide, deep yet wandering

Emerge into slowing place, transitioning
Breath becomes center
Emptiness expands invisibly, consuming

Textured patches- accepted, understood

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Breath's Anchor

Kindness wide, feeling depth
Remaining within while spreading heart
Without judgment

Breath's moment shorter, shortened
Drawn away, returned again
Anchor becomes, anchor formed
Center wavers, intention revealed

Friday, June 3, 2011

Spiraling Point

Many places passed
Connections slowly falling away

Movement towards center- given, allowed
Pass through fading distractions
Releasing center drawn into one

Point slowly spirals
Distractions lessen pull- into nothingness

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Settling Hard Deeply

Hard base- comforting, stable
Known issues impossibly distant
Slowly finding complete firmness
Falling away into total presence
Joy, stability, awareness become

Doubts linger inside hazy distance
Sorrow's tears ready

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Thought Mirages

Kindness arrives easily, rich feelings
Sent out, embraced within heart

Placid mind calms
Dry plain appears
Everything floats upon dry nothingness
Thoughts seen flickering, wispy thinness
Separation understood, attachment breaks