Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Finding Place, Return Again

Acceptance mind- fleeting, aware
Drifting away many, many times
Awareness within acceptance calming
Clarity's ideal infinitely elusive

Finding place within awareness
Drift away many, many times
Return each time- acceptance's regard

Monday, November 29, 2010

Opening Wide, Wider

Sitting clear, acceptance allows
Mind wander, thoughts become
Stillness clears center space

Peace acceptance- nothing taken
Gains wondered, released within

Remaining aware even within drifting
Wider open, peaceful within

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Solid Center

Peace within becomes solid
Noticed lightly, firmly bound

Breath finds invisible center
Awareness hardens- flexible, solid

Knowing beauty rises filling emptiness
Just calm, breath, watching mind

Acceptance's release opens freedom

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Kindness Becoming Space Accepted

True heart grows within coldness
Clarity, reason, mindfulness bound

Nothing perfect, nothing gained
Complete joy finds own level

Possibilities rewarded
Death's door revealed

Acceptance's awareness, belief clears all

Friday, November 26, 2010

Breath, Fading, Nothingness

Breath solid, complete, obvious
Remaining present until slowly
Thoughts fade between cracks
Disappearing breath, thoughts replaced
Gone instant- nothingness

Returned, breath again solid
Centered awareness, calming- cycle anew

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Accepting Flowing Awareness

Carried forward invisibly
Many opportunities distractless, accepted
Float freer, skimming above thoughts

Center point dwells momentarily
Place upon which reflection ceases

Again carried forward
Paused- allowances visible, formless

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Clearing Center Slipping Away

Balanced awareness within open center
Mind recedes from space
Instant awareness disappears quickly
Returning many, many times
Each cycle clearer, intention felt

Drawing awareness towards center point
Breath quickly disappears, mind follows

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Framework Remaining

Patterns steady, thin while complete
Tracing past times within present

Nothingness invisible, unfelt

Awareness remains drifting

Remembering- broken parts lined
Doubts etch scars
Mindfulness becomes mindless

Monday, November 22, 2010

Awareness Gap

Solid base upon confusion
Island floating peacefully
Doubts accepted, moving away watching
Deeper yet- boundary hazy, again chaotic

Separation inwards between zones
Watching from below

Looking up, seeing gap- truth revealed?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Mind Reflections

Collapse upon wood
Solid boundary

Drifting distant, awaiting return

Without reason, cause

Blank breath draws closed
Peaceful calm nearly arrived
Endless reflections upon mind

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Process Continuing

Doing, finding pathway
Without expectation while expecting
Rounding sharp corners
Waiting, digging, accepting

What becomes?
More, lack, spiraling process

Friday, November 19, 2010

Very Close

Submerged within awareness
Infinity close, acceptance ablaze
Consuming everything, flames roll above

Nothingness undermined
Blanket falls upon mind

Creations source waiting time
Open acceptance's magnified image

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Time Gone

Never within, gone away watching

Drifting become awareness
Clear release, one side
Second side slow, hesitant

Complete release becomes aware
Possibilities expand, condense

Acceptance justified, apparent, thin

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Leading Following Being

Many ways, places, minds
Endless movement practiced with acceptance
Attention found, given
Pausing, going within thought
Released, watched, accepted
Flowing away into disappearance
Depth, equanimity open wide space

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Divide Time

Split between wonders
Gap mindfully healed
True pausing element
Bring attention within
Stopping clears time
Timelessness beings anew
Round tunnel forms

Monday, November 15, 2010

Emerging Spark

Trusting doubts, releasing goals
Mindfully staying within
Awareness rises, thoughts float calmly
Peaceful rhythm arrives

Noticing mind, withdraws separation
Acceptance's doubts signal peak
Slow coalescence begins

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Away Over Again

Sitting late, just aware
Disappear somewhere inside thoughts
Carried away unaware
Many times, many ways
Something repeated even attention

Lifted up with intentions weight
Awareness comes, repeat again

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Leveling Through Until Center

Body Flows head towards feet
Staying within awareness thought drifted

Pressures center binding depth

Breath becomes rhythmic level
Remaining wide, collapsed through barrier

Many cycles forming bands

Last instance, entering middle- centered level

Friday, November 12, 2010

Upon Acceptance's Flowing Creek

Pure acceptance carried within
Allowances infinite given mind

Dreams, thoughts, sensations, feelings
Upon, within flowing perception

Carried upon, timelessly flowing
Intentions fall away, releasing becomes

Nothingness within, completely observed

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Accepting Into Dread

Flowing beautifully, late become pure
Clean lines, relaxing acceptance becomes
Nothing taken, nothing gained
Excellent feeling, even accepted

Winds blow, thoughts invisible
Dread arrives exploding into light
Acceptance runs out, dread rises high

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mind, Body Becoming One

Places flow inwards, solidify
Becoming aware, feeling rises
Knowing parts merge, become one
Body completely felt

Releasing mind wanders within
Slowly bonds within awareness
Squeezed, released- body, mind merge

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Centering Both Breaths

Remaining with, mindfully clear
Wandered acceptance nearly complete
Breath found, both sides- inner, outer sphere
Centering invisibly, returning many times
Slowly falling way, center arrives

Depth's clarity causes falling away
Pointed focus draws mind open

Monday, November 8, 2010

Breathing Velvet

Twice remaining within space

Clarity's mind smooth, soft
Invisible center holding firm

Knowledge flows away, uneasy emptiness
Remaining within calm, acceptance forms

Awareness smooth, velvety
Breath remains within attention

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Soft Opportunities

Cloudless sky softens ground
Wide awake falling forward
Time bends awareness

Creation's pull quickly blinds

Nothingness rises, consuming mind
Elegant ideals fall away

Awareness drifts somewhere distant

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Leaning Board

Upon invisible wall
Leaning top towards bottom

Without challenge, without depth

Clear elements solid, opaque

Dread deeply surrounding aura

Nothingness carrying base

Acceptance's reflection binding time together

Friday, November 5, 2010

Heart Kindness, Mindful Acceptance

Kindness sent, progressively far
Deeper perspective found

Drifting forms, carried away
Noticed, always returned
Blindness reliant within acceptance
Deeper perspective found

Nothingness clear behind thoughts

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Paused Instances

Paused Instances

Many found
Differential lookings within

Clear mindfulness
Followed intention

Stopping, world passing
Stillness develops own rhyme.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Cycling Through Different Spaces

Kindness begun opens heart
Following through space begun
Awareness observing, parts cycles watched

Long, tall space opens- heart, above
Just there- open, empty
Thoughts transform shape, within mind

Remaining floating, accepting transformations

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Letting Becoming Calm Pillar

Released all becoming movement
Traveling awareness moves away
Stone pillar center becomes
Thoughts given, part carried away
Return within, become more solid
Watching passing, clean release

Doubts flow away with noise

Monday, November 1, 2010


Stop, stopping, stopped
Fall, falling, fallen
Breathe, breathing, breathed

Pause, pausing, paused



Flowing together, become understanding