Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sharpening Many Edges

Sorting out, watch, aware
Collapse, fall away
Central images watched extraordinary

Knowing perfection within now

Created endlessly somewhere distant
Mind hums with awareness

Time bends together- now, then, when

Friday, July 30, 2010

Distant Closeness Distance

Expectations falling away
Following glimpses aware

Pleasure inside rhythm
Without time, number, care

Concerns evaporate leaving ghosts
Attempts become effortless

Numb words speechless then fade

Thursday, July 29, 2010

That Which

Indivisible dividing, disappear noticed
Without form until observed
Meaning defined doubtlessly
Nothing remains

Clarity observed, cycles unknown

Again, again odd mind bubbles

Something distant oozes

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Only So Much

Plans laid without expectation
Drawing inwards deeper
Peace, kindness, joy- flatly seen

Return again, different breaths
Centers know object

Carried through within belief
Emptiness testing deep sadness

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

One Letting One Many

Somewhere near, smooth watching
Waiting becomes one

Feeling everything even sightlessness

Carried away, silently return

Distant wanting infuses totality

Almost released surface knowing

Create intensities, become acceptance

Monday, July 26, 2010

Necessary Edges

Collision within reality
Acceptance infinite- time stopping

Impossible- painful, necessary

Falling forever without understanding
No measure, without reason
Acceptance- utter, complete, grinding

Necessary edges begging belief

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Calm Stumbling Blind

Timeless wonder distant, close
Where falls attention- then

Bring back over again
Mindful until gone

Without limits, control
Blind, stumbling, restful calm

Repulsion pushes release away

Saturday, July 24, 2010

What May

Effort mindless spin away
Far becoming nothing
Walking empty
Sitting Rest

Distant, deep gap exists
Inside explosion awaiting exit
Nothingness covers revenge

Friday, July 23, 2010

Breath So Calm

Pause beautifully, flowing refresh
Surrounded peacefully many ways
True depth without overwhelm
Kindness even flowing

Base solid, relaxed collapse
Time disappears, focuses many

Intensity calm, drift away many times

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Only Timeless Breath

Blank stare, mind calm
Trudging forwards unaware
Creation grows alone inside breath

Blank mind, calm stare

Without justification- motivation guides
Breath timeless, cycles unaware

Calm mindfulness thick, remaining

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Calm Intensifying Into Calmer

Breather wondrous, difficult
Thoughts flow naturally away
Deepening intention becomes calmer

Calm rhythm intensifying

Just breath, body, awareness
Solidify inwards, collapse together

Simplicity energizes now

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Existence Plain

Becoming calm roughly
Smoothly bumping inward thoughts
Doubts, acceptance nearly indivisible
Observing swirling circles
Flat existence plain forms
Everything, nothing mingle upon
Totalities base- plain fades away

Monday, July 19, 2010

Acceptance, Unifying, Joyful Grace

Clouds swirled thickening, dark
Blindness aware, then's dead heart
Limitless confusion consumed

Acceptance watching releases knot

Coalescing confusions accepted

Crystallized deadly thoughts shatter
Drift down leaving cloudless joy

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Doubt Acceptance Swirl

Drifting mildly though awareness
Slowly subside into calm
Invisible instances arrive
Awareness returns

Mindfully calm

Something doubted, amiss
Acceptance beautifully calm

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Settling Calmly Now

Pause outside, inside rise filling void
Without axis breath takes hold
Spin, spin slowing inwards calm

Renew center once wandering felt

Calm settles, inward peace becomes
Acceptance last breath becomes

Now base solid, peaceful

Friday, July 16, 2010

Changing Relax

Breath certain depth
Floating almost within time
Reason touches, drifts away
Slowness calms tired Heart

Knowing flood distant, silent
Perplexity's reason silent
Just breath, cycles barely perceived

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Joyless Joy

Returning towards heart
Empty, dry, not quite painful
Glowless glow, painless hole
Without reason apparent
Breath floats outside, distant
Mindless drifting, return towards same
Face joy disconnected from source

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Between Among

Balanced inside, progression moves
Knowing working towards control
Acceptance repeated over again
Major, minor minds blink reality
Passive observances remade

Distant peace hidden within now
Gap between, among acceptances

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Watching Realization

Purpose, reason, intention
Mind there, apart
Watched while separately aware

Running onward without connection

Pause, release, become together
Understanding grows binding parts
Until- minds, body become one

Monday, July 12, 2010

Fading Through Unity

Split both ways- mind, body flow
Easing inwards becoming acceptance

Desires evaporate, acceptance rises

Knowing peace grows

Slowly slide through calm
Becoming peace

Fading awareness finally gone

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Totaling Awareness

Pause reflections accumulate
Staying within body, breath
Effort slides away leaving awareness

Many ways followed flow together
Time's calm acceptance becomes

Lessons float inward, away
Remaining burdens slowly disappear

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Everything Nothing

Placed inside, lost, faded
Gone away tumbling
Return inside now, invisibly repeat

Questioned leads inward
Acceptance allows timelessness

Body hums watched
Mind, body- one

Friday, July 9, 2010

Many Breaths

Stillness comprehended
Followed many ways
Light, heavy, almost invisible
Expectation gap remains

Wonders indivisible
Perfection always sought
Mindful ideas collapse inward

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Cycles Observed

Watching without effort
Allowance unstructured- freely spin
Again deeper each rotation

Questioning observed, questioned
Cycles observed- flow towards knowing

Effortlessness allows natural path
Acceptance gained, control desired

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Just Behind Is

Wandering while firmly centered
Now steady, slipping
Hindsight flows inside perception

Lightness obscures intensity

Power unaware

Awareness unbelieved becomes doubt
Action, acceptance swirl

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sleep Wanting Acceptance

What exists becomes aware
Nothingness rolls inward- carried
Tumbling unaware
Realization, recycle, aware
Disappear slowly again

Expectations, acceptance swirl
Hollow beauty perplexes

Monday, July 5, 2010

Watching Intense Watching

Many minds flow turbulently
Thoughts varied pass transforming
Slowly watcher separates, becomes

Wavering, returning intensely stronger
Again, again, again- mirror glimpsed

Bold secrets threaten, feelings shift

Falling away- reality, illusion merge

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Closer Distance

Over away- distant, desiring
Rolling beyond, lost, wandering
Empty places filling want

Closer pain substitutes desire
Pushing distance between perfection

Hints truthfully reveal

Joy flows freely covering hole

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Joy Than Some

Stopping mind wander
Beauty grows greatly immense

Joy profound rises

Hollow questions oddity reveled
Wonderment grows

Something large, utterly belief
Fearful perfection warns

Friday, July 2, 2010

Many Perfections

Calm, peaceful released
Just within watching
Beautiful acceptance upon wanting

Release, watch, become one within
Knowing absolute awareness unrushed

Going forth cycle until rise, return
Pleasures named within heart

Thursday, July 1, 2010

There Where Grace

Bold islands fade beneath
Gone where grace
Acceptance becomes wide, easy
Time notices, disappears

Fade nonetheless
Gone away unknown, completely
Intention meaningless- acceptance