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Progression acceptance
Believing watching- observing existence
Spirals change, always same
Missing parts- hindsight observe
Beginning, ending self defined
Perfect attention only unattended
Calm peace carried forward
Hollow surface- instant remaining
Quickly slipping below
Invisible, disappeared
Remaining steady without nodding
Returning again, again, over again
Pause instant, then impossible pull
Gone forever, disappeared
Without end- endlessness
Time runs slower, cycling over again
Body hum grows, fades
Repeating within growing depth
Mind fades away
Gone into sensations
Returning into subtle awareness
Creation's face staring
Acceptance mindfully smooth
Blank watching
Knowing everything come, depart
Without touch
Pleased joy rises
Allow sunshine touched- rise into heart
Asked, answered
Knowing mindfully
Lesson's learned world
Return time, again
Pleasure, pain spectrum ends
Smoothly become one
Joy asked, answered
Eternity inside instances
Mindless boundary destroyed
Cloudless sky radiates peace
Every instant grows more brilliant
Breath calls
Something greater, electric
Growing power- reach within joy
Aware within blindness
Knowing drifts inside daylight
Pause, wonder, accept giving
Rooted beauty glows
Finding spaces anywhere
Ask answers, telling questions
Blindness fading, acceptance grows strong
Attempt without trying
Awareness reveals place within
Fatigue understood disappears
Knowing skin watches perception
Blank faults invisible
Acceptance's eraser stronger
Pathways etched permanent
Far, wide, rolling, slowing inwards
Many places, minds underlain
Slowly, quietly finding remembering
Doubts condense, heavy eyes revealed
Awareness shell perfected
Time falls away
Clarity's next ledge discovered
Reminders asked, nothing forgotten
Pleasure, pain- everything same
Clear heart, cloudy mind
Practice's challenge- acceptance's smile
Within wisdom invisible knowledge
Knowing true understanding
Role played within graceful mirror
Below, above, between
Thin skin- boundary found
Perfection's place
Completeness eternal, invisible
Passing through- everything known
Existing within, spreading, seamless
Cycling becomes vertical waves
Return, merge with center
Breath clear, wonder
Scattered leaves swirl, slowing descent
Acceptance, doubt- appearances merge
True identity, nothing more
Pause becomes window
Clarity's floor
Awareness surrounding aware
Thoughts pass through watched
Blending together, moving away
Knowing deeply, disappear
Ever slightly carried away
Recalled inwards, outwards merge
Now's noise silently watched
Inside, outside, between
Watching generally until slipping
Step back, center- become remember
Progression, regression merge
Acceptance's call remains
Seeking center again
Becoming perfections belief
Now becoming then- watched
Cycles inside now- watched
Looking inside, outside- watched
Calm, letting- falling intentionally
Pleasure, joy realization then
True solidity seen inside flux
Observer observing observed
Start somewhere there- normal
Blind, understood, awake, asleep
Flow into watching
Deeper beauty done without doing
Unpausing flows into being
Spin through experience watched
Deeper grasp seen, released into trust
Far away, timeless inside breath
Calm peace easy, like sleep
Wander away nowhere
Thoughts gone, nothing
Relaxed, aware
Peaceful depth without profoundness
Mindfully doubted, accepted beauty
Acceptance blowing freely
Wrapped inside freely folding
Everything there, unnamable instant
Pure, complete understanding
Broad expanses collapse into one
Gone away inside now
Returning towards absolute perfection
Something what becomes
Slide away
Twice intended- only one
Staying there, staying now- separate
Opportunity infinite
Acceptance optional
Beautiful positive becomes real
Not ready
Searching without looking
Grasp back mind
Cycles there, far distance
Wanting without wanting
Desires etched inside stone
Calm intention carrying forward
Pure smoothity slides below
Moving perception- where?
Slower cycling, easier watched
Becoming balance, finding spot
Nothingness full- beauty, joy
Creation's gap existing between now
Pause, watch, watch watcher
Cycles watched, felt, awared
Intention evaporates low- discovery
Move off, remain inside now
Joyful intention, idea becomes real
Calm, peaceful, complete joy
Returning toward tired pull
Watching infinite power transforms
Over again, many circles
Different, identical- time hindsighted
Light, deep, hard, soft
Accepted varying degrees
Thoughts sprout through perception
Pass upwards into mindlessness
Only instant opportunity- becoming
Switch rather then seam
Perceptions bound together
Dividing seen inside now
Wobbly balance quickly lost
Endless attempts exact
Beautiful effort submerged within belief
Becoming rather then being
Process seemingly endless
Cycling deeper, quicker
Attention drifts into thoughts
Becoming thoughts, awareness invisible
Thoughts float away inside past
Bringing now's awareness
Searching great divide- divide
Pleasure, pain- one, all
Without completely done
Endlessly finite
Drab ornate
Desire running deeply
Expectations unfulfilled
Beautiful ignorance- life's beauty rose
Wandering through endless cycles
Vision beginning, whole becomes
Predictable, stepping back aware
Clarity's depth one step behind
Following progression from inside
Endless depth accepted
Multitude become nothing with one
Staying there from now
Carried away watching
Slowly understanding grows
Ultimate awareness self aware
Clarity rises, wobbly falls
Retrace inwards towards understanding
Perfect wordless, cycles, aware
Consuming impossibly voracious
Breath wanders here, there
Without support, fluttering within
Eyes heavy, heavier, infinite
Aware, accepting consoling beauty
Understanding swirls with acceptance
Deep bond supporting
Slow places rise inside
Create wonder, distraction
Centerless hollow deep, wide
Distraction becomes
Trade outside inward
Time runs away
Waited until mind knows