Friday, April 30, 2010

Kindness Quickly Drifting

Pause inside, feeling calm
Strength slowly fading
Attention wanders towards nothing

Mindful intentions, body overcome
Wanting scarce- acceptance

There again somewhere
Breath centered, mind flowing away

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Shallow Returns

Something, special there
Pause, wander, return
Slide into thoughts

Mindfully accepted- wanting's call
Without need, desire

Place held
Place released

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Yesterday's Sitting

Upright tired
Believe inside wonders
Here, there, somewhere
Glide, fall, pause

Doubts accepted, next become
Unusual accepted

Everything one- depending acceptance

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Smiling at Gone

Passing through, never stopping
Watching everything, nothing
Smile inside, smile outside
Clear mind, heart, body - one

Flow onward meaningless
Nothingness, everything together

Above, one with beauty

Monday, April 26, 2010

Off Into Nothing

Called unknown- long waiting until
Waiting merges acceptance
Acceptance becoming intention
Slowly, unknowingly just nothing
Aside, away beyond margin
Only awareness- nothing, breath
Pausing, everything receded

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Descending into Seeing

Intense slowing, there mind seen
Always running, melt together
Separate into seeing, watching
Broken edges mended
Falling into great depths

Watching nothingness watching noise
Endless noise inside peace

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Calmly Relaxed

Kindness calling- faded voice
There, now, distant- beautiful
Acceptance inside, peaceful

Knowing awareness rises
Breath easy, slow, accepted
Mindful continues rolling onward

Drifting without asking guide

Friday, April 23, 2010

Places Inside Now

Kindness clarity- open heart
Wide, slow, deep
Knowing feelings fully enveloped

Cause smooth, wander inside now
Mindfully clear, real

Potential realized wonderfully hollow
Doubt swirls mixing peace, then

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Almost There

Distance between center
Lost without intention
Humming silently, gone
Without time until ending
Breathe once, twice- gone
There unknowable
Disappeared inside without thought

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Peaceful Nothingness To Joy

Diligence recalled
Kindness attentive, lightly glowing

Breath arrives, remains changing

Nothingness ceases all, expands
Wonderful, beautiful, easy peace

Joy asked, arrives, expands completely
Centered heart, glowing throughout

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Fading Center

There inside, melting attention
Gone away endlessly
Reminded return, wobbly center
Fade rapidly away

Intention gone inside fatigue
Nothingness calls
Blind mind wanders

Monday, April 19, 2010

Calling Kindness Calling

Depth pure, easy, clear
Wander there, return
Slow breath slowing
Fade inside towards clarity

Kindness called- distant, thin
Kindness calling- lonely
Heart felt faded, empty

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Pausing Inside Containers

Tread upon kindness
Lost, indifferent, empty
Distant intentions hidden

Emptying middle- outside remaining

Knowing different containers
Pausing inside each
Moving onward towards others

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Feeling Empty

Calm center flows inward
Nothingness verges on perspective
Knowing confusion fades away

Kindness deeper, full

Placid acceptance allows focus
Only momentary wandering
Peaceful calm, feeling empty

Friday, April 16, 2010

Perpetual Elements



Thursday, April 15, 2010

Waiting Inside Emptiness

Flowing towards kindness
Heart felt richly, fade away

Breath inside body
Attention grows sharp

Open emptiness- asking, waiting
Space between inside, outside
Just there- shallow distance

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Settling New

Blindfully wandered feeling touch
Plow through until new
Adjust, settle, become

Kindness there, now
Missing key heart

Acceptance calms, unifies
Peace emerges- slowing mind

Monday, April 12, 2010

Hole Inside Center

Wander, wander inside center
Return towards breath

Frustration remains, rises
Wonder gap wide

Kindness heart felt
Hole appears here, there

Acceptance's beauty offered

Empty With Breath

Waiting until kind heart appears
Flat, words only
Calling belief, heart grows warm

Instant thoughts fade away
Breath becomes strong, smooth
Wanting hinted until acceptance
Calm emptiness with breath

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Open Circled

Blind obvious calling silently
Pretending truly

Seldom always, walking slow

Nothingness calls

Forever equals now

Glimpsing instances, invisibly clear
Goodness, evil- neither just being

Saturday, April 10, 2010

New Center Wander

Thoughts, mindfulness, feelings
Whirl within new, larger center
Confusion, wanting mixing
Wash around acceptance's rock

Purpose lost inside nothingness
Intention remains complete

Searching understanding- knowing what

Friday, April 9, 2010

Light Wander

Somehow lightly there
Complete unusualness- gone
There, now, unknown- lightness
Brought back over again
Quickly drift into where
Without obvious peace, anguish
Just lightly nowhere

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Something Else

Instances appear, disappear
Kindness flows wandering
Deep fatigue masking center

Create, destroy
Breath center only instant

Deeper acceptance, understanding
Becoming one with fading self

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Acceptance's Pure Center

Clear except breath, watching
Knowing openness- solitude

Breath flows many ways- freedom
Waves upon beaches

Waiting without waiting
Hollow inside hindsight

Pure center- easy, infinite, empty

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Three Becoming One

Rising while merging
Awareness surrounds, expands within
Accepting perfection presence
One with everything
Effort falls away into acceptance

Deep slowness consumed
Impossible- just one shelf

Monday, April 5, 2010

Sitting Well

Point slide, reestablish
Dull edge rounded- overuse
Subtle mind cueing heart

Humming body seeking ends
Bridge gap over fallen log

Settle, sit, smoothly become
Solid, energy renewed

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Within Without

Divided line flowing along
Being inside, outside- merging
Clear line, acceptance

Truth shines, knowing

Two spots grow, other pained
Each one time given
Pain deep, heart aches

Friday, April 2, 2010

Pausing Both Sides

Just there fading away
Invisible from both sides
Wonders inside acceptance
Disappearing until

Now inside, now outside
Division clear

Fading back together into now

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Accepting Inevitables

Long sitting without sought
Surface depth wandering
Searching other than what


Paused perfection
Infinite learning inside now
Mindful enjoyment- smile within