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Late sitting calmly
Fatigue nods head
Intention inside breath calls
Breath carries away tired thens
Many breaths come, go
Looking deeper, shallow remains
Calm joy appears inside acceptance
Just there inside now
Spiral eye rotating through mind
Knowing outside, become inward
Distant kindness far, wide, special
Heart felt becoming larger
Falling away more complete
Simplicity- even thoughts lack depth
Breathing inward- everything forgotten
Breathing outward- falling away
Slow rotation slowing down
Mind tricks attempt distraction
Obvious inside slowing
Letting becomes falling away
Even breath floating above nothing
Kindness starts rhythm
Heart center with questions
Flowing into feelings
Return deeper towards breath
Sliding inside, outside, then, now
Breath solidifies, immovable
Centered while exploring deeply
Gone towards many levels
Finding one, settling, moving onwards
One inside many, merging all
Kindness beginning, wide, fading away
Breath's awareness there, never perfect
Searching beauty, harmony, knowing
Forever wanting, infinite wandering
Beginning kindness deep, infinite
Unimaginable beauty slowly fades
Spreading thins heart's depth
Breathing calm overtaken
Focus concentrates inward
Many faced breath alone, flowing
Opening edges, sensing calm emptiness
There, now, then- in all three
Slowly rotating between
Becoming one with three
Infinite time even within time
Wherever drifts into now
Kindness' heart aches with effort
Surround lump within now
Just above, touch, float away
Mindful yet tired
Even breath seen, felt distant
Kindness comes wanting, tired
Returning to breath again
Nowhere without drifting thoughts
Surface invisible, resistant, telling
Peaked sensation stack upon
Depth there, invisible
Passing closer each calmer decent
Wandering, return, refocus
Aching pain invisible- words alone
Nothing there, just beyond view
Known through peace above
Moving off finding breath
Known conflicts follow
Slowly separating thoughts away
Accepting grows gap between
Images dance alone
Kindness slowly fades wordlessly
Calm island, thought ripples disappear
Simple thoughts just there
Open, calm, easy
Placid sensation- many deeper levels
Kindness waiting, depth fades words
Longing more powerful connections
Divided ideas- future carried
Newer, better, allow perfection's emerge
Concerns quickly fade with breath
Flowing within, finding inside
Distraction slowly fade
Depth easy, calm, skimming surface
Floating inside now, memory gone
Kindness center calmly held
Flickering warmth echos faces
Calming breath awareness within
Smoothly felt, known, findable
Accepting wandering returns
Calm window opens- flow through
Noise fading away, firm base remains
Peace within reach- balance, centering
Kindness calls- send within, sending out
Stillness amiss, gap felt- inexplicable
Endless cycles between there, now
Even now doubted, shifting subtly
Breath odd, mindfelt
Stretching experience moves into calm
Calm ripples again, wandering now
Thoughts stream creating doubt waves
Truly within, mindfully there
Now coming, going- small circles
Slowly sliding there rises, obscures now
Again cycling perpetually
Notice, awareness, replace with breath
Acceptance, frustration, perplexity
Mourning missing loving kindness
Here while there
Constant disconnect
Even while inside now- there
Doubts wrapped inside wandering
Theres inside now
Spinning, sliding, merging
Acceptance lingering within reach
Intentional relax, allow
Circular spiral obvious
Nowhere, somewhere- wandering
Bringing together- nearly touch peace
Outside sliding, calling
Inside searching peace
Oddly within without
Tired, words fading away
Inside breath more fully
Thoughts come, go, become surrounded
Peace exposes deep fatigue
Kindness words slowly evaporate
Spoken ghosts finally released
Nothing remains except weight
Turmoil rages binding all
Acceptance distant, lost in there
Recycling concern eating calm
Kindness offering pause
Heart felt large, slight warmth
Energy grows with faces
Theres fade into now's beauty
Odd start- obviously amiss
Watching unaware- pass away
Drifting mind wandering
Moving off into nothing tunnel
Following pattern even though
Unknown cloud envelopes unaware
Kindness words fade, heart remains
Depth awareness shallow, deep
Skimming through paces
Wandering slightly while uncentered
Long time noticed, shorter set
Wandering while time watching
Kindness distant, oddly empty
Out there somewhere hidden

Crisp mind flowing inward
Assuming acceptance within belief
Something new, deeper- readiness
Short time, waiting mind there
Bringing focus into head
Melting eyes surprising
Waiting mind calling louder until
Finding truth- put together
Understood challenges become
Knowing real depth hindsight
Confusion's beauty grows
Timeless time's mindful bell
Calling slightly reminding
Kindness sent extended without time
Deeper, shallow- endless timeless
Confusion, clarity- knowing, ignorance
Pause, impatient- dreadful, beauty
Acceptance, resistance- being, nothing
Inside out, wandering wonder
Kindness darkness
Feeling- emptiness
Calm joy reflected upon peace
Breath easy, deep, calling
Nowhere, anywhere, there
Staying then drifting peacefully
Slow return towards breath
Kindness peacefully warm, centered
Beginning breath full, clear, clouded
Staying within finding place
Known, unknown merge- wobbly
Settling calmness flows into kindness
Self wished without glow- hindsight
They merge- faces, feelings real
Heart glow fades with widening
Thoughts rise distracting
Concerns ignite wanting
Desire burning both ends
Calm breath allows peace
Kindness warms invisible glow
Peace radiates surrounding all