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Electric feeling ending
Begin calm
Travel hitting walls
Progression endured
Time known, wanted
There reasoned well, switched
Going only far enough
Many sittings together
Without time, memory- intense distance
Limits approached- known, felt
Where passing far
Understood deeply, simply perceived
Useless words tangled, perpendicular
Friendly Now, beautiful Now
Calm amid confusion
Bumping clarity mistaken thens
Moving towards acceptance- slowing settle
Visualize water's rise, fall
Washing dull thud's grime
Slowly moving through
Aligning then's fall
Vacant breath emptying
Carried away leading thoughts
Mindfully return, repeat, empty
Light, breath, calm
Given away
Allowances opening into emptiness
Door everywhere- becoming other side
Somewhat leaning- nearly accepted
Minds eye calm
Moments fade, pure- lost forever
Noticing emptiness- breath in
Hollowing grows- breath out
Smile glowing Buddha
Somewhat peaceful- nearly accepted
Allowing nothing, everything
Watched weirdness rises
Evil, goodness merge
Itching cracks solidity
Acceptance only surface
Suffering enjoyment- cherishing mind
Releasing stuff- nearly ignore
Here, not there
There, not here
Long, longer, longest
Gifted upon cherishing mind
Matterless calming center
Body, mind one
Deeply aware
Disconnected wishes cast towards
Understanding connections centrality
Wider, wider moving into limitless
Peaceful state- graceful ideals touched
Words echo empty thoughts
Meaning drifts alone
Falling nowhere- infinite acceleration
Deepest darkness- no emotions
Everything moving away
Without wonder- pure existence
Lingering timelessness slowing all
Aware- Askew, Amiss
Allowing being there
Calming clarity coming
Ruckus crackles calm
Grateful acceptance attempted
Confusion ensues- noticing dark cloud
Peaceful observation- deluge descending
Sitting angle obtuse
Firmly planted leaning
Thoughts float free, body calls
Discomforting haze lingering
Time's enemy realized- perception
Freedom's blissing release
Widening gaps between grinding doubts
Allowing now's swish
Emptying without effort
Wander unimportant, no calling back
Blankness rises touching mind hum
Testing empty joy, Godly awareness
Tiring understanding accepted
Separated time arrives
Staying there allowing now
Turmoil rises
Slowly moving then's spears aside
Calm with confusion
Finding deep rise, fall
Wander, return cycling grows clear
Melting joy surprisingly real
Seemingly empty
Many acceptances run together
Spiraling merge
Timeless, pointless- nothing, everything
One become more until limit
Again accepted, again forever
Dull thud, adjust, make way- knowing now
Understanding complete acceptance
Expectations become nothing
Deeper rhythms merge
Disbelief nearly inability
Waves rise, fall
Inner circle rotates
Time become endless- returning within
Wandering towards everywhere
Nod, nod, realize
There now, centering
Wandering away
Nod, nod, realize
Centering aware now
Peaceful oneness growing large
Sideways afterwards sitting near
Clearly resting mind
Opening doors, firstly unaware
Realizing mindful stepping stone
Long forgotten- now's meaning?
Solidly unifying, accepting perceptions
Attention's own reward
Earlier bonding mind body
Partial watching allowances
Spinning free while unifying
Progression without individual awareness
Arriving towards oneness- minor flaws
Settling ease strengthens focus
Infinite separately one
Peaceful breath- here, there
Climb down inside hollow
Electric flash switching places
Follow, wander
Allowing while pushing
Slightly unaccepted
Crowded breath- mind, body one
First allowance freedom wanders
Everything whiles away
Deeper calm rises, touching
Placid surface, barrier
Moving forward, now- deflected away
Peaceful acceptance, settling
Skip away
Frozen, clear far below
Fade, appear- cycle repeats
Hindsight clouded being there
Seeking deeper, deeper still
Comforting peace inviting
Wantings misty cloud appears
Shifting, looking- goalless goal evades
Finding same deep breath- easy
Fading away
Mixed images separate
Singularity twinkles beautifully
Calling joy, smooth pleasure
Time quietly bumps sphere
Unity ends abruptly- peaceful
Something far away
Closer, closer, becoming
Fade together- bounded together
Deeper, shallow inseparably merge
Rising, falling- observing observer
Hinted endless space
Slowly drawn upwards towards contrast
Wandering parts encounter whole
Imprinted separately- becoming one
Distracting concentrations beckon
Slide away towards then
Now's whole- easy base
Purposelessness clarifies unity
Time, place slowed
Multitude beckons
Even breath projects many faces
Relaxed, finding comfortable view
Discomfort touches, expands
Reaching towards intense
Drooling nausea fighting breath
Floating edge beckons- beautiful?
Seldom fading prickly discomfort
Staying with breath
Steps carry- rising
Notice drift, wander, relax- remember center
Closing together, peace smooths
Many, many others
Returning breath contracts time
Doubts expand
Space becomes open, between flat spheres
Pause now, blink, wander
Truth settling with dust- known
Wanting, infinite wanting
Wanting engulfs everything, forms remain
Pausing understanding, still becomes wanting
Desires unexposed- stillness unveiled wanting
Peaceful calm
Timeless now hidden
Breath disappears, hollow space somewhere
Moving closer
Formless, bound, infinite
Everything collapses towards perfection
Unspoken thoughts serve
Settle easy, expand perimeter
Joy, God, infinity
Search towards now
Now here, now there- infinite then's
Perspectives beckon ruthlessly
Silent, impossible now
Timelessness's pillar- wobbly mind
Words hidden
Glowing ideas
Limiting expectations
Finding now
Turmoil slightly overlooked
Sifting sandy joy- grains sparkle
Dull thudding clouds